Godly Influence in All Seasons
This year has delivered some very drastic blows and losses for our family, perhaps yours too. Dearly beloveds became ill, passed, and Hurricane Ian packed fury and devastation to the Sunshine State.
Searching for meaning and purpose through these tragedies and coming up empty, I've chosen to focus deeper on influential moments, memories, and impact. In light of our trials, Thanksgiving and Christmas hold tremendous opportunities to model Godly influence around our tables or under the tree.
Several devotions spoke to me on how to become a good Godly influence, because someone is always watching. Our daughter Amanda was keenly aware at a young age of the power of words and body language. She was an excellent student of observation and that, thankfully, allowed her to become a compassionate counselor. An amazing giver, she listened intently to find gifts that were sure to delight. We were given the adoption of an Italian olive tree, with delicious oil sent from its bountiful harvest, and garlic delights from a local festival, knowing how we loved consumable delicacies.
During these upcoming holidays, we may be with family or those whom we don't often see, and differences can arise. A recent PSYCHOLOGY TODAY article encourages us:
*Become an example of what you yourself want to see.
*Avoid bad/negative influences on days when feeling weaker and, therefore, more susceptible. It's quite easy to spiral even lower under the influence of someone else's negativity.
*Convert bad to good by acknowledging our own negativity and overcoming it. Difficult but very rewarding.
*Help others to better themselves.
The Bible tells us do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” - FIRST CORINTHIANS 15:33
Everyone has influence. Paul reminds us, “None of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.” - ROMANS 14:7
We will influence others—whether for good or bad; influence lives on once we’re gone. It’s passed from one generation to another. What a responsibility and opportunity we're given!
Jentezen Franklin challenges us:
"If you won’t serve God for your own soul, will you serve Him for those who love you and who will be influenced by your life?"
"Lord help me influence others for You. Let my influence lead my family and friends toward You, not away from You. Let me be so fired up for You that I leave a legacy of Godly influence. Let that influence extend through the generations. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER counselors can help you accelerate your Godly power of influence during the coming holiday season. Call (203) 846-4626 to reach us.