Y o u w i l l b e f r e e i n d e e d !
At sporting events, we've all sung THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER, our national anthem. When we sing “land of the free,” we may misunderstand the true nature of freedom. For many, freedom means personal independence—the ability to make our own decisions and choose our own path. However, this isn’t the freedom in Christ that we’ve been given through faith.
Jesus doesn’t set us free to do whatever we want. He liberates us from sin to walk in relationship with God, to become who He created us to be. This spiritual freedom from sin is the ability to obey God and choose His will for our lives.
Once we accept Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross as payment for our sin and begin submitting to His love, sin loses its power. When we choose to trust and follow God, sinful habits lose their grip, guilt disappears, peace of mind dominates, and right habits take root. Now that’s true freedom!
If you're struggling to break free from the bondage of sin, consider calling CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER at (203) 846-4626.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” - JOHN 8:36
Happy Independence Day!